Thanks to Silver Sponsor Growth Shuttle

We are thrilled to announce that Growth Shuttle has joined us as a Silver sponsor for WordCamp Cebu 2023. Their support will be instrumental in enhancing the experience for all attendees. We greatly appreciate Growth Shuttle’s commitment to the WordPress community.

At WordCamp Cebu, taking place at Mandarin Plaza Hotel, attendees will have the chance to interact with Growth Shuttle and learn about their services. We extend our gratitude to Growth Shuttle for their support and for their contribution towards making this year’s event a success. Our sincere appreciation for their valuable sponsorship.

  • Growth Shuttle

    Growth Shuttle CEO and business advisor, Mario Peshev—also the CEO of DevriX, a WordPress development company—seeks to give back to the WordPress community. Mario supports major WordPress events (and often sponsors, presents at, etc.) to give back to the community, help out in initiatives he cares about, and grow the agency’s network.

    Mario built his first website back in 1999 and transitioned to WordPress platform development around 2008. On his journey to growing a Top 20 WordPress agency worldwide, he picked up marketing and management skills which he has been polishing as a business advisor and digital consultant over the past decade. Hence, the birth of Growth Shuttle, Mario’s business advisory company.

    Mario helps SMEs and fast-paced startups with growth strategy and technical advice, automating internal processes, generating higher revenues through inbound marketing and technical solutions, solving operational problems, and refining their high-level business strategies. His top three goals are: enabling new revenue streams, automating processes, and saving capital.